Welcome to part three of my preview for the next major SnipNotes update. In the last two parts I showed you two new major features: Context Actions and Location Detection. Today I will sum up this preview by talking about all the other improvements, which are coming in this update.
One of the major requests I’ve received in the last weeks concerned the widget’s vertical height. As the widget shows a maximum of eight snippets plus the control elements, it can take up quite a large amount of your valuable space inside your notification center. I’ve addressed this issue in two ways:
Firstly, I’ve reduced spacings and shrinked control elements where possible, without compromising the overall design. The result is a much more compact looking widget, as you can see in the following comparison:

Secondly, I’ve added an option to configure the number of visible snippets in the widget. So if you wish, you can make it even more compact this way.
I’ve also worked on the fonts inside the main app. They should now be more consistent and better readable:

Last but not least, this update also includes various bug fixes, which should improve your experience further. For example you can now enter long text snippets without having the keyboard overlap your text.
How do you like it? I would love to hear your feedback! You can leave a comment down below or send me a mail to [email protected].
The update will be available on the App Store very soon. Stay tuned and thanks for reading!
The current version of SnipNotes is available on the App Store right now:
Note: You may notice some slight layout differences between the screenshots and the real app. These changes are included in a small update, which will be available shortly after.